Wednesday, September 1, 2010


I wonder how many legitimate emails and comments I have deleted that I should not have.
I receive from 10 to 15 emails and comments a day and I guess I didn't guess this one correctly.

After reading "EMAIL SCAMS" below, then read the emails and comments I received today after the posting.
At least people are reading the blog.

#1 - Devin Strecker
"She is from Natoma and writes for the newspaper, or anyway she used to . . "

#2 - Devin Strecker
"I just vaguely remembered the name from when we lived in Paradise so I had to google to make sure that was correct. I remembered that she published the Natoma Independent when I was in school there."

#3 - An email from me to Della Richmond
"Della, you are not going to believe what I did.
Click on the Paradise Educated Blog below and read it.
After reading the blog, a friend sent me an email and said . . .

"I just vaguely remembered the name from when we lived in Paradise so I had to google to make sure that was correct. I remembered that she published the Natoma Independent when I was in school there."

#4 - Dan Hoisington
"I have known her all of my life. She was a Pooley and went to school in Natoma. Most of her relatives were from Paradise. She does the local news for our area in Russell Paper. She is a very nice person."

#5 - Jim Harrell
"I do remember a Della Richmond. The name is from Natoma."

#6 - Jim Harrell
"She was a Pooley. Was in the class of '54 in Natoma.
She is also a bus driver for Natoma/USD 399."

#7 - Me to Della
"Della I taught at Paradise from the fall of 1963 to the spring of 1966.
I was the music teacher - Instrumental and Vocal - Grades 1 through 12.
I was Miss Leonard - Onnalee Leonard. I married Millard Harrell from Paradise in 1965."

#8 - Della to me
"Sorry--guess I didn't explain myself well enough. I'm sure if you ever check Randall Weller's emails, you can find my name on them--he is my cousin. I am editor of the Natoma Independent newspaper, and was working on the alumni story. I came to my personal computer since that is where your address is. It's too late now to put your "teacher' name in, as I have already turned it in."

I am waiting to hear from Randall. Except when he reads the blog he will read this first - so I will not get his reaction. :) I receive emails from Randall but I don't look at his list of people that he sends them too. Perhaps I will start noticing the "little things."

I just received an email from Randall Weller . . .

"Della and I are first cousins. She was talking to me yesterday and asked me your maiden name. I had it on the tip of my tongue but could not remember it. It came to me today but she had already discovered it.
I think she is doing a story on Paradise teachers perhaps, but do not know for sure. RWW"

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