Travis wrote . . . .
"Hey Onnalee: I took this picture of the Brown house in Paradise a few years ago. It's such a nice house and in such good shape. Since you are pretty much the expert on everything in Paradise, do you happen to know much about the history behind it? When was it built? Who built it? And so on. I would appreciate it. Thank you, Travis"
First of all . . . I am not the expert on everything about Paradise. I am able to publish information on this blog because of all of the experts that send it to me.
Your questions are very interesting and I am sure that we have some readers that may have an answer and/or comment. Thank You for the photo and your questions. Onnalee
I had posted the below pictures of the Brown home in June, 2008. I thought it would be interesting to see all of the photos together.
Dan Hoisington took the photos below.