Thursday, December 16, 2021



I have seen some posts on facebook about the fire in and around Paradise last night.  

These messages will not be in any order or in story form.  If I start feeling better, I may be able to edit this post and write it in story form, but I'm sure you can each read this as it is . . . . .  and Thank You.

Video's  -  Some parts of these videos are hard to watch.  Losing animals is devastating.  Besides being the ranchers livelihood, the animals are also part of the family.

Pictures and information posted on facebook by Gene Angel.

By Gene - "Ryan’s house has burned and looks like it might get up to ours. Prayers for the entire community."

"Ryan (my step son) is home by himself, we’re at the Mayo Clinic, I have a mass on my thyroid. Tests look like nothing spreading so hopefully just cut it out and I’m good. Thank you for the prayers."

This was written the morning of Dec 16, 2012.
"This has been a tough day. It’s looking like my thyroid doesn’t have any spreading cancer. They won’t know for sure until after surgery but so far so good. Last appointment here at 2:15 then we’ll fly back."

The picture below is the same view as the picture above. 
Above is the fire.  Below is the flood.       

More pictures of the flood are below the rest of the fire pictures.. 

"Our friends looking after our horses, all three safe. It burned right up to their fence, neighbor Kirk Koelling disc the fire out. Thank you so much.
Sounds like our 85 cows and 75 calves didn’t make it. Such a nice gentle herd, took me 40 years to raise.
Thank you all for your prayers."

"Our house is still ok, those are solar lights not fire. 
Feeling very blessed for it being safe but scared to death 
of what we’ll all find in the pasture."

"And my little tractor driving buddy died last week.
There does not seem to be any rules about flood,
drought and fire within 6 months."

The flood in May.
"Tough day at the Angel Ranch.
Alfalfa, triticale, mile and half new fence all under water.
Ryan’s old remodeled ranch house a foot or so of
water on the main floor.
Water in the office at Natoma and tax deadline tomorrow."

"The bridge completely under water.
Fortunately we moved the cars and everything we could.
It came fast."

Posts by Sheila Smith Grier

"Pray for the people in my hometown in Kansas.
They had a huge grass fire that was very bad and far reaching. The wind was strong.
Many lost homes and the mayor is in the hospital with serious burns when his pickup rolled and pinned him!
My brother and nephew who farm and ranch in the area
lost pasture but nothing else.
So thankful for them but many need prayer."

"This was the extent of the fire....
my hometown, and brother and nephew farm and ranch
there on a ranch north of the town of Paradise.
They were ok but many others lost property and cattle etc. Please pray for these communities!"

I read this on facebook 12-16-2021 at 6:00 pm
From Mollie Haberer

"We have received several calls and text as to how we are doing and decided this was the easiest way to let everybody know we are OK but not able to go home because there’s no electricity.Fortunately our house and outbuildings survive the fire.
A lot of damage to our pastures and fences but so many of our neighbors and friends lost their farmstead completely. The wind blew up to 100+ miles and kept changing directions that’s one reason we didn’t lose our place because it change directions and jump the road going the other direction.
Please keep Paradise and the surrounding communities in your prayers."

I will be watching facebook for more news about the fire.

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