I sent a Good Morning message to Pat this morning to see how she was doing. I received this from her.
"Good morning to you! I am coming a long pretty good. I have had to Re-learn talking, walking, balancing, you name it - I started all over.
I am on a cane now and doing pretty good but ready to take the next step. My hair is not in good shape but I never worried much about that. I just want to get my hair back to where it was. Oh really it is slowly growing back, but feels like a caterpillar in my scalp.
I had a horse shoe cut and they had to drill holes up there to give the brain some swelling room so will have some soft spots on my head. I asked if they will fill in but they didn't know - some times yes and some times no. I have some plates also up there too. My stitches have not all come out so will have to go back in two weeks to remove some of them that didn't dissolve.
I have another MRI in Dec. to check out the progress inside of my head. Hope all is good. He said that I might have to do some radiation later. Sure hope that is a no.
I am thankful I am this far along and I am doing what they tell me to do. They say I am doing quite good for a brain surgery patient.
I lost the use of my right side and still have from the calf of my leg to my foot to wake up. It is still numb and I am taking Rehab for that. I have 3 months to go.. Thanks for thinking about me... Pat Hoopes Preston