Garnett Angel's new home in Olathe, KS
She will be living seven houses from Janette & Richard
and is in the same housing area as they are - Shadow Ridge.
She will be a mile from Lake Olathe.•
She is in the process of packing but first of all
Garnett is, as usual, keeping her clients in top priority.
She will not be moving until after tax season is over.
All five of Garnett's siblings and her children
graduated from Paradise High School.
Her grandchildren also graduated from Paradise until the time that Paradise unified with Natoma, then they had to graduate from Natoma.
Garnett's mother - Ula Ann White - graduated with the
first class at Paradise High School.
Garnett's last grandchild will graduate from Natoma
(which would have been Paradise)
May, 2010
She is waiting until this milestone before moving to Olathe.
A note from Janette . . . . . . .
"Richard & I went to Paradise this past week end, Valentine's week end, to get a start on Mom's BIG move to Olathe. We began at the top: the attic!!!!
Mom & I worked in the cold attic, which warmed up really quickly as we worked diligently to rediscover & unpack items & treasures hidden up there for almost 60 years. Rich met us at the top of the attic stairs, hauled down hundreds of boxes, packages and/or junk down to her basement or to our van. We brought some items with us to Olathe to await the March 2nd closing date on her new home, then we will move these items to her basement.
Some of the actual junk in the attic, Richard burned as we had called in a "controlled burn" and got rid of what we could.We had a quick lunch and then up to the Charles White house where we used to live! We worked at getting our hutch & cabinet emptied out so the movers could bring this furniture back to Mom's new home. Also, the matching table with 6 chairs. She has a perfect place for this furniture in her dining room and we do not have room for these items. So this will work great for her!!
We are planning to fix the White place up so that when we go back to visit in Paradise, we will have a place to stay. However, we have been gone from that little home for 13 years this August and it does need work done inside and out for sure. Mom has deeded her home place to grandson, Brian Angel. He will farm the ground and continue to rent this land from his grandmother.
Though exhausted after a busy day, Sat. night we took our Mom's out to dinner at Meridy's in Russell to celebrate Valentine's Day!!Richard's mom, Mary Catherine Ross, lives in Russell and it was a wonderful way to end the day. We enjoyed visiting and seeing lots of people that happened to be out that very same night - The Tom Maupin's and some Ross nieces & nephews. That is what I love about small towns and the comfortable/slower lifestyle! It was such fun!
I know Mom will adjust to the action, excitement and convenience of the city - I have learned to love that lifestyle too!
I have contacted, KC's ALL AMERICAN MOVING, a small moving company from Gardner where owner, Keith Curtis, guaranteed that he would charge much less to move Mom to Olathe, than any of the national syndicated mover's such as Mayflower, United Van Lines, Two Men & A truck, etc. I am, however, checking different companies as per Aunt Merilyn White's suggestion. However, after hearing from Onnalee about their good experience with a "small moving company" from Garden City - moving them from Elkhart to Emporia, I am certain that we will go with KC's ALL AMERICAN MOVING. The owner & a couple of other guys are going out to Paradise, either the 6 or 13 of March, to give us an estimate of the cost to move and at the owner's advise, they will take a truck with a trailer with them on that trip and bring some items/furniture back to Olathe. Therefore, it will be a constructive trip that includes the estimate of the move.
The BIG MOVE date is scheduled for May 22. However, that date is subject to change as circumstances arise back in Paradise, with her tax accounting and all.
As with Onnalee, I love the personal touch of a smaller moving company. I explained to them, of course, where Paradise is located (4 ½ hours back on I-70) in Russell County and in the country. I have wondered if the larger van lines could even make it out to the farm on possible muddy roads! ??? Mr. Curtis assures me that KC's ALL AMERICAN MOVING can do it!
If any of you reading this have talked with Mom, you know she is excited about moving to Olathe and she is ready for a change in her life. She is tired of muddy roads, feeding umpteen stray cats, chasing cattle on foot, thistle in the pasture, etc. but, at the same time, she is struggling with the thought of leaving her home of 60 years, lifetime friends and the Paradise Church - everything about life on the farm that is difficult, yet familiar. She needs your daily prayers and prayers for each of the family members, including each grandchild. Please pray that they will be helpful and understand the difficulty of this move for her, but also be able to share in the happiness she is anticipating as she prepares for her new life in the big city.
She especially grieves about leaving little great-grandson, Beau - almost 3 years old - who loves her so unconditionally as all babies love their grandma's. Also, Andrea's 3 children who love Grandma too, as well as other family. We have assured her that they will visit her in Olathe. Luckily, she will have 3 little great grand boys - ages 2 to 8 - (Jeff & Sara's boys) living close by and a great granddaughter, Haley (Michele's daughter), about 30 minutes away in Mo. We will be taking Mom to more summer and fall ball games than she will want to attend. Mom will just have to learn to say "Thank You, but you know, I would just like to stay home for a change!"
Mom also has a sister in Overland Park - Violet Parsons - and other nieces and nephews in this area. Together these sisters are making lots of fun plans together. Her brother, Forrest & Sue White recently moved to Houston, TX, but visits his daughter's, Trudy & Stasha and a granddaughter, Lauren, on a regular basis. Another brother, Vernon & Merilyn White, zip down from Wichita frequently. So, Mom actually has more family down this way than back home in Paradise."
(A note from Onnalee . . . Janette is doing a good job convincing her, wouldn't you say? Ha!)
"I want to Thank the loving friends and members of the Paradise Methodist Church who were at church on Sunday - Feb. 14. After the service, the minister - Pastor Sharon Thomas - brought Mom (tearfully) to the front of the church. Pastor Sharon asked the members of the congregation to come forward and lay hands on Mom as she (Pastor Sharon) prayed for Mom, asking God to bless her and be with her as she struggles with the process of leaving and yet anticipates the happiness of a new life ahead. I don't think there was a dry eye in the church. It was absolutely wonderful to have everyone hug and love on her and offer their help as she prepared for her move. I know she felt this love and support. We all did! It was a definite act of God's love through His dear church people! And, I do love that little church and those dear people within, just as much as she does. Olathe may be our address, but Paradise will always be our home! Love to All, Janette"
A note from Onnalee . . . . Wow! I sure hope they like their small moving company. When we moved from Elkhart, we checked different moving van companies, but the local company from Garden City was highly recommended to us. They took so much interest in us. This was a very stressful time, to say the least. I had just had my liver transplant the year before and was still quite weak - we had a large place that was our home and funeral home too - we had never had a garage sale. We had so much "stuff" that as we were packing we just became so overwhelmed with the MOVE! We had been there for 32 years, our children were raised there, we had many memories there - and yes, a lot of "stuff". The moving company changed our moving date a couple of times for us and they were so kind, considerate and understanding.
To sum it all up - we never want to move again and we are still sorting through "stuff" as we had to down size a lot. For us, the small and local moving company was what we needed - for the move and for our time of much stress.