Gene & Dorene
50 Wonderful Years
A terrific family photo at their Anniversary Celebration
5From Left to Right
1st row Carley Chrisler, Dorene Gene
2nd row Melissa Chrisler (Tony's wife) Kayley Chrisler,
Hannah Chambray, Doran Griffin
3rd row Tony Chrisler, Teresa Webb, Lincoln Griffin, Clint Griffin,
Riley Chrisler (front) Ben Griffin (back), Andrea Chambray, (front)
David Chambray (Andrea's husband, back), Jacob Chambray
3Dorene and Gene with their children1st row Dorene, Gene
2nd row Teresa Webb (our oldest),
Tony Chrisler (youngest),
Andrea Chambray (the poor middle child)
(Dorene wrote this.)
Dorene and Gene with their Grandchildren
1st row Carley Chrisler, Dorene, Gene
2nd row Riley Chrisler, Kayley Chrisler,
Doran Griffin, Hannah Chambray
3rd row Lincoln Griffin, Clint Griffin ,
Ben Griffin, Jacob Chambray
Gene and Dorene celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary by taking all their children and all their grandchildren on a 5 day trip to Estes Park, Colorado the 26th of July. Although their actual anniversary is Sept. 6 , they had to go before school started. Their 2 oldest grandkids have gratudated from Natoma High School and all the others are now enrolled in the Natoma School System. The youngest grandchild is 1st grade and oldest is a Senior.
Dorene is a 1958 graduate of Paradise.