Saturday, August 4, 2012


I have all the photos that I have - including Roger Pruter's, Terry Martin's and ours - on the blog. 
If anyone has more pictures, especially of alumni and friends that we three did not capture, please email them to me.
In time I may - or will try to - take out time to tag or identify Roger's and Terry's pictures.  Going to take a break for a while.
I wish to apologize to those that I did not get a picture of you, your friends or your classmates.  I wish there were a way that I could get a picture of everyone at each table before they moved to another place by the time I got to their table.  There should be a way that I could get it done. 
Perhaps if we put a net over each table until the pictures were all taken?    

I'm sure all of you know that you have to click on "Older Posts" at the bottom of each page in order that you see all the pictures. 
Thank You for your support! 

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