Wednesday, February 2, 2022



Thank You Great Bend Co-op 

Feb. 1st,, Great Bend Co-op was honored to present a check to the Russell County Emergency Services for $10,000 to assist with repairs of damages sustained in the Dec 2021 Four Counties Fire. We were also able to secure an additional $5,000 from CHS to bring the total to $15,000 back directly to our communities. These fire service volunteers jumped in to action to protect our neighbors and our communities in the face of immense danger. We want to thank everyone who stepped up that day and in the weeks following.
Along with this, Great Bend Co-op is also donating $10,000 plus an additional $5,000 from CHS to the Kansas Livestock Association & Kansas Farm Bureau fund that will be allocated 100% back to the victims of the fires from that horrible day. With over 160,000 acres in Kansas affected by fires, the total cost of the damage is yet to be determined.
The recovery from the Four County Fire, and others that occurred across Kansas that day, will be a long, arduous process. The scorched ground will require time and moisture to fully recover. There are still opportunities to donate to the recovery efforts and all donations are greatly appreciated. Click the links below to learn more.