Tuesday, October 12, 2010


After I posted the Wall Street Journal story about Van Hoisington, I sent an email to Van as following . . . .

Check out the Paradise Blog. We are very proud of you!
Van, do you remember that Millard used to tie your shoes when you were a little boy? He is convinced that tying shoes is the ONLY thing he learned to do before you.
One of his most memorable accomplishments! ?
Congratulations on being featured in a great story!

Van responded . . . .

Thanks. A little embarrassing...I remember Millard being ahead of me in
several things not the least was a mean left hook in gym class when we were supposed to be learning boxing! He may not remember, but I was the one who got hit..did not forget..Best to all Van

I responded . . .

Millard is having a Senior Moment . . . . or else he has Selective Memory. ?
He has been trying to think about the boxing - left hook incident - but
can't seem to rack his brain.
Perhaps you need to remind him before he completely exhausts himself of trying to recall what "stupid thing he did." Ha!

Van responded . . . .

I knew he would not remember..I was the one that got hit.. Woodall decided
one day in gym class to teach us some self defense..got out the boxing gloves. Did it for a couple of classes . We were sparring around, matched up with Millard. Being left handed was an advantage because no one ever looked for the left hook, certainly not me.. after he connected Woodall got concerned about his "star" bball player and stopped the lessons.
a brief moment in history only remembered by the hittee not the hittor..best Van

I am waiting to hear Millard's reaction to this again. He told me a short story, but will add it later.

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