Millard was honored to have a national woodcarving magazine
"Woodcarving Illustrated" ask him to write an article for their magazine.
His article came out in their Holiday Edition a couple of weeks ago.
What an exciting time for both of us.

← This is the cover of the magazine
as it was published.

This was one of the
runner up covers →
That happens to be a picture of Millard's Santa
that was featured in his story on page 72 - 77.
Millard is a member of the discussion board of the "Wood Carving Illustrated."
I am a member of a local Emporia web site "Flyover People."
It is an amazing web site about Kansas.
Cheryl (the administrator of Flyover People) posted a story about Millard.
The woodcarving slide show that Cheryl mentions in her story was produced by her husband, Dave. He did such a professional presentation.
Our local Emporia Gazette featured Millard in this week ends paper - on the front page. I do not have a link to the front page with the pictures - only a link to the article.
This feature story was also in the Wichita Eagle.
If you are at a place that sells the "Woodcarving Illustrated", I hope you will have a chance to see and read the article. I don't think it is sold in Wal-Mart - usually in bookstores.
Our local bookstore "Town Crier Book Store" sells the magazine.
However, it should be in most book stores around the U.S., for you to just look at.
Millard's Elves - he was consigned to carve 45 elves this year - are on his Woodcarving Blog.
They will also be on his web site when his wife updates it. ☺
Millard also was in an Emporia Gazette Feature Story in 2006.