Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Check out The Butternut Preservation Elf.
The grain in Butternut is beautiful!
Saturday, September 25, 2010
died Sept. 23, 2010.
He was born Feb. 11, 1931, in Fairport to Richard "Dick" and Eleanor Pfortmiller.
wife, Jeanette, of the home;
daughter, Carol Glendening (Dr. Kurt), of Hays;
three grandchildren; two great-grandchildren;
sister, Mary Fink (Bob), of Denver.
Preceded in death by sons, Daniel and Dr. Gary. Services: 10 a.m. Tuesday, Sept. 28, at St. Joseph Catholic Church, Hays.
Visitation: 4 to 8 p.m. Monday and 8:30 to 9:45 a.m. Tuesday at Cline's Mortuary, Hays, with a rosary and vigil at 6:30 p.m. Monday.
Memorials: church or St. Joseph Food Pantry.
Condolences to clines mortuary@eaglecom.net.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Rosemary sent a Comment in an email about Bobby Dickinson's Memorial posting . . .
I just read in the blog about Bob Dickinson’s death. Am so sorry to hear that and my deepest sympathy and prayers go to his family. I graduated with Bobby in 1952. Always thought he was a great guy. I know he will be missed.
Note: The class of 1952 only had one girl - Rosemary.
Class Members were George Beller, Rosemary (Thomas) Stewart, Merle Houser, Harold Hudnall, Tommie Hutchinson, Darrald Neman and Chester Webster.
In Memory of Robert Dickinson, Chester Corwin and Robert Beller.
Friday, September 17, 2010
"Thank you for your email and bringing to my attention the two new pieces in the Blog. As always, once I get into it I kind of find it hard to get out, so, thank you again for this interesting and informative service.
I fear, however, that your two recent additions are far below your normal standard.
First, as for Millard and the wagons. I never saw a blue wagon while I was growing up; all wagons were red and had something like "American Flyer" on them. It is correct that we raced our wagons down the sidewalk next to Dean Brown's house into the street, which, in those days of parental neglect, was evidently an acceptable way to keep us out of the house. I do not recall my brother ever laughing at the two of us. He was, as Millard will recall, much older, maybe a century or so, or at any rate a lot. Finally, I don't think Millard's parents would have let him paint wagons (which are red) blue (which they are not). It makes no sense. So, while Millard's recollection of our wagon experience is factual, I think the specific recollections he has are mainly delusional; however, don't let him know what I think, please.
Second, a nice piece on Van's accomplishments including the recent puff piece in the WSJ. However, as always, I think there's something missing. I've followed Van's career with some attention and interest. I understand he has done very well. I know he has experience in banking and economic analysis. I also understand he invests other peoples' money in federal bonds as to which he has opinions. At that point my understanding gets vague because it isn't really clear to me what he actually does. Compare Van to my brother: when Jay was a practicing veterinarian, he went out and looked at animals. That made some sense to me. In contrast, if you're in the bond business, what do you go out and look at? I don't have any idea. I'm not critical of including the piece in the blog, but it is a little difficult to follow since I don't have much of an idea what is going on."
I replied to Jon . . . .
Jon - you are SO comical. Now I need your permission to put this on the blog.
Everyone will get a "Kick" out of it.
I hope some day and some time I find something with your accomplishments.
I know they are many and very impressive.
Be prepared . . . . Millard said he thinks he has a picture of the light blue wagon,
which he painted himself. It may take weeks or months, maybe years to find the
picture though. :)
Jon's reply . . .
"Of course, use what you want. He's still confused."
Millard's response to Jon . . . . .
"Thanks Jon for the "heads up" to the possibilities that I may have delusional issues. I will do my best to re-evaluate my memories and try to sort out the more delusional ones.
After reading your email, I have definitely detected one delusion that possibly many people have - it is the delusion that the short term memory is the first to go."
Thursday, September 16, 2010

Bob was born May 2, 1934 in Ellis County the son of Robert Leland and Shirley Margaret (Beller) Dickinson. He grew up on the family farm in northeast Ellis County and graduated from Paradise High School in 1952. He then attended Kansas State University where he received a degree in Animal Science.
Bob was united in marriage to Janice Miller on October 21, 1956 in Manhattan, Kansas. This union was blessed with four children; Kirk, Sheryl, Valerie and Cathy.
Bob was a rancher and farmer in Ellis County, but also was a devoted husband and father.
Bob was a member of the First Presbyterian Church of Hays where he served on the building committee and the Session of Elder. He was a Charter member of the American Simmental Association in 1968 serving as chairman two years. A founding member and past President of the Kansas Simmental Association, member of the Kansas Livestock Association and represented Ellis County on the KLA board of directors from 1986 to 1988. He served as chairman two years on the Beef Improvement Federation, Soil Conservation Board Chairman and received soil conservation bankers award in 1968. He belonged to Farm Bureau Association and received the Century Farm award in 2009. He was involved with the local Coop Board, the Ellis County Fair Board and the Ellis County Extension Board. He enjoyed working with and promoting the beef industry. He traveled many places promoting cattle. He loved keeping up on all sporting activities of his grandchildren and listening to the K-State games on the radio.
Surviving family include his wife of 53 years, Janice of the home; four children, Kirk Dickinson and wife Coleen of Gorham, Kansas, Sheryl Wambold and husband Bill of Petaluma, California, Valerie Kostelansky and husband Bruce of Ft. Maclead, Canada and Cathy Musick and husband Doug of Alma, Kansas; three sisters, Karen Ganoung of Hoisington, Kansas, Janet Nordlund of Elkhorn, Nebraska and Margaret Beyer and husband George of Wichita, Kansas; and 11 grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents.
Celebration of Robert’s Life will be held at 10:00 A.M. Saturday, September 18, 2010 at the First Presbyterian Church of Hays with Pastor Richard Glasgow officiating.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
This elf and it's story is on Millard's Foundwoodcarving Blog. http://foundwoodcarvings.blogspot.com/
However, Millard has a different story for it on this blog and it is . . . . .
"Being semi-retired and approaching old age, I have found that a good deal of my carving time is spent reminiscing and in my most recent carving project, put me to considering where my idea of a really gleeful smile came from.
As I was carving this elf for the telephone company that I am carving for right now, I recalled an experience I had many years ago. I had just painted my coaster wagon light blue and oiled the wheels real well. Anxious to show my work of art and try it out, my friend Jon Anderson and I climbed aboard. The paint was not fully dry, as I recall, but we started to coast down the hill toward Dean Brown's house. Between both of us in the wagon supplying extra weight and the freshly oiled wheels, we gained alarming speed very fast. An attempted turn at Dean Brown's house failed and we both were sent sprawling as the wagon upset. I remember spitting sand and gravel and looking up to see Jon's older brother, Jay, walking down the hill and grinning from ear to ear, obviously immensely pleased that he was privileged to witness such a colossal wipe out.
As I was carving the elf, I realized that although Jay didn't have red hair and didn't have a beard, I was carving his grin as he walked down that hill toward us back somewhere around 1949."
Saturday, September 11, 2010

Thinking of the events of the past puts into stark relief the amazing sacrifices that our troops shoulder in service of our country.

Friday, September 10, 2010
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
I am considering disabling the Comments on our Paradise Blog.
I'm not sure if it will solve the problem of the numerous "Spam" Comments, but I would appreciate it if you would send your Comments in an email - while I am testing some other options.
I appreciate each of your comments so much and hope this does not keep you from feeling free to Commenting. This is YOUR blog.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
We are all very proud of Van.
Treasury Lover Bets on Disinflation
By Mark Gongloff (Wall Street Journal)Forget China. For the past 20 years, the U.S. government has had no more loyal buyer of its Treasury debt than Van Hoisington.
The 69-year-old Mr. Hoisington is the founder, president and chief investment officer of Hoisington Investment Management, a boutique investment firm in Austin, Texas, with about $5 billion under management.
Julia Robinson for The Wall Street Journal LOYAL TO TREASURYS: Van Hoisington, right, and Lacy Hunt, shown in July, base purchases on the way they see inflationary winds blowing.
Though small and far removed from money centers like New York and Hong Kong, this firm's investment thesis cuts to the heart of what might be the most important question facing the global economy today: Is inflation about to rise or will a chilling deflation take hold?
For nearly 20 years straight, Mr. Hoisington has had an all-in bet against inflation by investing in only one asset class: long-dated Treasury bonds. So far, whether by luck or forecasting prowess, he has been right, and his returns have trumped bond benchmarks and the stock market, despite the epic stock-market rally of the 1990s.
The news continued to break his way Friday, as a disappointing jobs report reinforced market concerns about a sluggish economy and the potential for deflation. Bond yields tumbled in response, with the two-year Treasury note's yield setting a record low of 0.51%. The 30-year bond yield dipped to 4.00%.
Mr. Hoisington has no plan to change his bet any time soon. If he is still right, then stocks and many other investments—excluding Treasurys—may also be in for more hard times.
Mr. Hoisington, originally of Paradise, Kan., population 64, is as unshowy as his investment style. His clients have but one investment on the menu, Treasury debt. And that comes in only two flavors: either very short-term Treasury debt—cash, essentially—or 30-year Treasury bonds.
Mr. Hoisington and his chief economist, Texas native Lacy Hunt, formerly chief economist at HSBC Securities Inc., decide which flavor to buy based on which way they see the inflationary winds blowing.
In October 1990, 10 years after he started the firm, Mr. Hoisington saw inflation was in retreat and started buying long-term Treasurys. He has been buying them ever since, through expansions and recessions, bubbles and busts.
"We've ridden this train a long way," says Mr. Hoisington with his characteristic understatement.
The train has gotten crowded of late, driving bond prices higher and yields, which move in the opposite direction, near historic lows. That reduces the potential upside and raises the risks associated with a sudden reversal.
Mr. Hoisington's approach has certainly led to some unpleasant years. He was fully invested in long-term Treasurys in 1994, when the Federal Reserve raised interest rates unexpectedly and bonds took a beating. That year was one of the four down years that the firm has had in the past 25.
Last year was another down year, as riskier assets bounced from near-depressionary lows and investors shed fallout-shelter investments like Treasurys.
"We have to have a client set that has a pretty strong stomach because 30-year Treasurys bounce around a lot on a quarterly basis," says Mr. Hoisington, who warns clients they should have investment horizons of no less than three years.
Then there were long stretches like the tech-stock bubble in the 1990s and the housing bubble in the 2000s, when the firm was making money but everybody else was making a lot more.
Still, Mr. Hoisington's method has paid off in the long run. Over the past 20 years, Mr. Hoisington's annual returns have averaged 9.3% compounded, net of fees, outperforming the 8% annualized returns in the Standard & Poor's 500-stock index, according to Chicago research firm Bianco Research.
Mr. Hoisington's average returns are also two percentage points, or 200 "basis points" in bond-market lingo, more than the 7.1% annualized return of the Barclays Capital Aggregate Bond Index, a standard benchmark against which bond funds are measured.
Those "200 basis points in fixed-income land is off the charts," says Jim Martin, chief investment officer of M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust in Vancouver, Wash., a Hoisington client since 1980. "What's not to like about that?"
Though the Hoisington investment style seems simplistic, Mr. Martin trusts the firm's ability to switch from long Treasurys to short Treasurys at the right time. "It's pretty easy to understand but may be difficult or impossible for a lot of people to execute," says Mr. Martin.
Clients in a sense are paying the firm less for its trading acumen than for its monk-like devotion to the study of economics. Mr. Hoisington defers questions about his off-hours activities, calling them "not very interesting."
"Everybody has their own little hobbies," says Mr. Hoisington, "but it's pretty much a full-time job keeping up with the economic literature."
Certainly, the firm's long-term view on inflation and rates has been spot-on. Since October 1990, the 30-year Treasury yield has dropped from nearly 9% to about 4%. Inflation, as measured by the consumer-price index, has fallen from 6.3% to 2%.
Messrs. Hoisington and Hunt expect inflation to fall further, toward 0%, with a risk of deflation, or a stubborn decline in prices. Based on this inflation view, they think the yield on the 30-year Treasury bond could fall to 2%, or half of what it is today, which would represent a big jump in price.
"If circumstances change, then we will change our minds and get rid of long Treasurys," Mr. Hoisington says.
He doesn't see that happening for several years. In fact, he and Mr. Hunt believe the U.S. economy is stillgripped in a long-term disinflationary—potentially deflationary—trend due to record U.S. debt levels. History suggests the effort to whittle away such debt will slow the economy and push down inflation.
In a vacuum, low inflation and low interest rates should benefit stocks and other risky assets. But such conditions are usually accompanied by uncertainty and trauma in the economy and financial markets, which tends to benefit safer assets such as Treasurys.
The Hoisington view is outside the mainstream. While most economists, including those at the Fed, worry about the risk of deflation, almost nobody thinks it is really going to happen.But with signs of slowing economic growth, the mainstream may be moving a little closer to Mr. Hoisington.
Copied from the Wall Street Journal - Aug. 7,2010.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Thursday, September 2, 2010
"The News that you write about Paradise is great. I thank you.
We have been gone so long and all who used to write the news to us are no longer living or have moved away.
Keep up the good work.
Evelyn and Hugh Richardson"
These are the first email messages in my Inbox this morning . . .
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "COMMENTS":
Good day
We do not agree with this year Brit awards decision.
Please visit our little poll
http:// (I deleted the link before publishing this.)
Lady Gaga can not be better than Madonna
Poll supported by BRIT awards 2010 sponsor femmestyle
url=http:// (Another deleted link.)
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post
Hello fellow www.blogger.com members[url=http:// (deleted)
I just wanted to say that I am happy to be the newest member here and that I am glad to have the opputunity to take part in the great conversation here,
Glad to be on board here[url=http:// (deleted)
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "COMMENTS":
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Merio [url=http://www. (deleted)
I am sure if a person would click on any of the links, your computer would be attacked by many viruses.
I had 2 emails in my Spam box. Both about the advantages of Viagra.
These are why I am suspicious. ☺
If you send a comment - even if it is Anonymous - please put your name on it.
I understand that sometimes it is hard to Comment without it saying Anonymous.
That is technology! :)
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
I wonder how many legitimate emails and comments I have deleted that I should not have.
I receive from 10 to 15 emails and comments a day and I guess I didn't guess this one correctly.
After reading "EMAIL SCAMS" below, then read the emails and comments I received today after the posting.
At least people are reading the blog.
#1 - Devin Strecker
"She is from Natoma and writes for the newspaper, or anyway she used to . . "
#2 - Devin Strecker
"I just vaguely remembered the name from when we lived in Paradise so I had to google to make sure that was correct. I remembered that she published the Natoma Independent when I was in school there."
#3 - An email from me to Della Richmond
"Della, you are not going to believe what I did.
Click on the Paradise Educated Blog below and read it.
After reading the blog, a friend sent me an email and said . . .
"I just vaguely remembered the name from when we lived in Paradise so I had to google to make sure that was correct. I remembered that she published the Natoma Independent when I was in school there."
#4 - Dan Hoisington
"I have known her all of my life. She was a Pooley and went to school in Natoma. Most of her relatives were from Paradise. She does the local news for our area in Russell Paper. She is a very nice person."
#5 - Jim Harrell
"I do remember a Della Richmond. The name is from Natoma."
#6 - Jim Harrell
"She was a Pooley. Was in the class of '54 in Natoma.
She is also a bus driver for Natoma/USD 399."
#7 - Me to Della
"Della I taught at Paradise from the fall of 1963 to the spring of 1966.
I was the music teacher - Instrumental and Vocal - Grades 1 through 12.
I was Miss Leonard - Onnalee Leonard. I married Millard Harrell from Paradise in 1965."
#8 - Della to me
"Sorry--guess I didn't explain myself well enough. I'm sure if you ever check Randall Weller's emails, you can find my name on them--he is my cousin. I am editor of the Natoma Independent newspaper, and was working on the alumni story. I came to my personal computer since that is where your address is. It's too late now to put your "teacher' name in, as I have already turned it in."
I am waiting to hear from Randall. Except when he reads the blog he will read this first - so I will not get his reaction. :) I receive emails from Randall but I don't look at his list of people that he sends them too. Perhaps I will start noticing the "little things."
I just received an email from Randall Weller . . .
"Della and I are first cousins. She was talking to me yesterday and asked me your maiden name. I had it on the tip of my tongue but could not remember it. It came to me today but she had already discovered it.
I think she is doing a story on Paradise teachers perhaps, but do not know for sure. RWW"
Is everyone experiencing a lot of scam emails lately? Many goes to my Spam box, but some look legitimate and go to my Inbox. I have received an abundance of Anonymous Comments for this blog. They sound great. Some are very complimentary. They look legitimate, but I don't take any chances. So many senders seem to want me to click on something or to reply to their email. No! No! No!
I received one today that I had to chuckle about. Looked so nice and looked to be OK. But NO!
This is the email . . . . .
" I am working on the Paradise Alumni story. I have teachers listed, but don't have your name when you taught there. Please send to me."
It was from a Della Richmond. If anyone knows a Della Richmond, I am going to be embarrassed - but I don't think we have one. Do we?
I would say that was great thinking. :)