Paradise United Methodist Church and Community
extends Farewell to
Photo by Annie Ross (niece of Richard & Janette Ross)
Family member's attending the farewell celebration were:
Back row - left to right . . .
Bill & Stasha White Case, Olathe; Keith & Donna White & Korissa, Topeka; Janette & Richard Ross, Olathe; Brent & Melinda Angel Barby, Beaver, OK; Lynn & Gene Angel & Mason, Paradise.
Middle row - Paul & Trudy White Hurley & Lauryn, Shawnee; Shaley Jae White of Hays, KS (granddaughter of Vernon & Merilyn White); Jeff & Sara Hagerman Conner, Kyle, & Cameron (between his parents) of Olathe.
Front row - Frosty ( Forrest White) of Houston, TX; Merilyn White, Wichita; Garnett Angel, the honored guest, & Dr Vernon White, Wichita.
Written by Janette Angel Ross . . .
"A large crowd of people attended a farewell dinner at the Paradise United Methodist Church on Sunday, May 30th, 2010, to say good bye to a long time friend & neighbor! Garnett Angel has recently moved to Olathe to be near her family in that area. She was a resident of the Paradise community for more than 75 years!
Garnett was born Garnett White, in Great Divide, CO. At the age of 6, along with her parents, Charles & Ula White and 3 siblings, she moved with her family to Paradise. She attended all twelve years of school at Paradise, graduating with the Class of 1945. Garnett married the late John Angel ('41) on May 19, of that year. Their union was blessed with two children - Janette Angel Ross and her husband, Richard, of Olathe and Gene Angel and his wife, Lynn, west of Paradise.
Garnett has six grandchildren and one step-grandchild; 10 great-grandchildren and 2 step- great-grandchildren.
She also has one sister, Violet Parsons ('41) of Overland Park
and 3 brothers, Ivan White ('47) and wife, Joyce of Kimball, NE; Dr Vernon White (54) & Merilyn ('62) of Wichita; and Forrest White('56) & Sue of Houston, TX.
Her oldest brother, Dale White ('43) recently passed away. His wife, Doris, lives in Kimball, NE.
Garnett and John Angel owned and operated Post Insurance Inc where "Angels Provided Protection" for over 25 years. The agency sold in 1995 and was purchased by Dan and Mona Hoisington, who currently own and operate the business. Garnett continued to calculate income tax for several clients working in her son's office in Natoma, Gene Angel Tax
Accounting, until April 15 of this year.
She has been very active in United Methodist Women and is one of the charter building committee members of the Paradise United Methodist
church, which was built in 1957.
The afternoon was filled with greetings from different ones. The Paradise/Waldo pastor, Sharon Thomas, expressed how dearly she will miss Garnett every Sunday in church and her homemade cookies and coffee prepared each week for after church services and before Sunday classes. Her tireless work in the kitchen during Bible Schools; years
of teaching Sunday School classes and sponsoring the UMYF; working at the annual Church Bazaar and Dinner; holding many offices in the UMW.
The group of church members presented her with a beautiful cross necklace.
After the greetings a nice program of music was presented by her nieces and nephews, son, grandson, brothers and friends. Solos and duets by Trudy and Stasha and 10-year old great-niece, Lauryn Hurley, sang and accompanied herself on the piano. Shaley Jae White sang a beautiful medley of Amazing Grace; Mason Angel played several selections
on the piano; Gene, Vernon and Frosty sang a few selections from the Always Patsy Cline movie. Bobby Ross, Nashville, TX dedicated a song to Garnett and sang the Roy Orbison hit, "Pretty Woman"!
As one of the guests at the program commented "We had such a wonderful time and were just amazed at the musical talent. Who would have guessed that so much talent could be assembled in one place in a small town on a Sunday afternoon! We were so happy to be in attendance!"
Among many guests surprising Garnett that day was a dear friend, Dick Woodall of Wakeeney; her attorney and his wife, Pete & Rita Peterson, Salina! The Ross's (Richard's family), Chris & Kelly of Oklahoma City, OK; Joe and Carol of Abilene; Bob Ross of Nashville; Harlan, Kim and family, Manhattan; Mary Catherine of Russell.
Many relatives from far and near surprised her and are shown and
named in the above photo.
Garnett thanked all her guests for coming, adding that she didn't feel that she deserved this much attention. She thought she would just quietly leave town. She extended a special invitation for all to go to Kansas City and visit in her new home in Olathe.
She also thanked the different ones which included special friends: Joyce Thompson, Brett and Bonnie Thompson; Kendall & Tammy
Schultze; Janice and Lowel Lund; Mollie and Eric Haberer; Dan & Mona Hoisington; Tom & Deb Maupin for helping with her move and organizing the dinner for this wonderful day!!
And others for coming, Ruth Bartlett, Russell and Leo and Loretta Baum, Hoisington.
She will hopefully be back in Paradise for the various events throughout the year; Church Dinner and Bazaar, Christmas and Mother's Day Programs."

4 generations
Janette, Richard, Kyle Jeffrey
(Richard is holding him)
Sara & Jeff, Conner (left),
Cameron (right), Garnett
Photo by Annie Ross
A special Thank You to Sara Hagerman and Annie Ross for taking the pictures. Sara took all the pictures that were not labeled as "Photo by Annie Ross.