Thanks for the email. I just checked out the blog and saw Janette’s blog about our child hood days. I tried to place a comment but found that I had to join Google. I couldn’t get my comment to post without joining. When I did join I lost everything I had written in the comment that wasn’t accepted. So, I’ll have to look at Janette’s comment and start all over. Unfortunately, I’m committed to several activities today so it’ll have to wait a few days.
Now, you know Dan—how could Janette think that Dan & I could be mischievous? LOL
WARNING: If Dan tells you that I influenced him in any negative way during our childhood—(whisper)—trust me, it’s not true.
Oh yes, one last thing—my sister, TOOTSIE, she really loves that name. So, I think we should all refer to her as TOOTSIE and not Iva. LOL
Truthfully, I have a lot of wonderful memories of my child hood days in Paradise but most of them have been slow to re-surface in my mind until I started to converse with Dan. It would be great to find some of my Paradise friends and classmates and I hope I can do that through the BLOG.
If you know of anyone around the class of ’64 that is interested in communicating I’d enjoy visiting with them. My wife and I are trying to find a way for us to attend the next reunion.
If anyone is interested in contacting me my email address is normlaughlin@att.net
and my phone number is 530-246-1853
I live in Redding, CA
Thanks again for your help and inspiration.
Stay safe.
Norm (Butch) Laughlin
P.S. I’m sending TOOTSIE a copy of this message because I want her to know that I’m the loving brother that promoted her cute little nickname.

but it was sent to me too . . . . .
Bro, You always did have the ability to be an annoying little brat; Now you are even more annoying!!! I didn't hear you encouraging all to call you "Butch"!! (Which I personally know how much you prefer that!!(Sorry, Con) ) He always did respond well to "Bushie" HA HA I was talking with Roger last night.
He so enjoys calling me Tootsie. Have you been talking with Roger? LOL
Dan was definitely your willing subject!!! Ha Ha He does have a lot to tell, so
be careful Bro who you cross!!! hee hee
AND JANETTE, Thanks for all the memories!! Do you remember when we were all at the Angels home, the four of us kids were downstairs when you, Butch decided you were "Superman" and could fly.
You climbed upon -- seems like it was an old desk or table -- and jumped off!!
Then your screeching brought the gownups downstairs to repair the cuts in your
head!!! I don't remember what it was you put around your shoulders to be your cape, do you?? I do know the the three of us, myself, Jeanette and Gene had nothing to do with it. It was all "Butch"...hee hee
Just so you know, dear brother, I am forwarding this to Onnalee, Jeanette, Roger
and Dan. I could have put it on the blog, but I didn't. Of course, I cannot control
what my friends Onnalee or Jeanette may do. (hint) (snicker)
Lucky for you, my arms are giving out, so I must close this out.
Your Loving Sister, IVA
Won't it be a blast when we are all together??? hee hee
Of course, there are others, not yet named, who can add some color and light heartedness to these conversations!!! I wonder where they could be??? HHHMMMM --------- ib
And . . . . from Norman "Butch" . . . .
I’m sure you’ll monitor what TOOTSIE writes. You have to watch her or she’ll chase you with a REALLY BIG safety pin. I know.
Iva wrote . . . .
JEANETTE, my friend, what are you doing to me? Telling our childhood secrets! Have you forgotten, it is us girls against those boys? I am only kidding you, girl. Thanks for the memories. We did have some good times. I have been keeping up with you and your family via the Paradise Blog. Give your Mom a hug for me and tell her, looking at that picture, she hasn't changed one bit~ Talk to you later. Feel free to contact me anytime. Love, Iva
Another one from Iva . . . .
By now you must know you can't believe what "Bushie" says. (He is loosing what memory he did have left!! ha )
The big safety pin story is an illusion Butch dreamed up behind the post office!!
As my arms get better, Onnalee, I will try to email you some pictures I have
found of our Paradise days. Gotta stop now. Arms are done. Iva
I'm sure there will be more email's to come.