What are some of your memories of going to the Dip?

The "Dip" brings back several memories to Millard, not because the list is long, but because of just plain memories. Perhaps it wasn't quite this memorable to the rest of you.

When Millard and Onnalee first dated, this was one of the places that Millard showed Onnalee - and not for what you are thinking. He wanted her to see where he and his friends spent a lot of time.

He remembers it for:
1. Washing cars
2. School Picnics
3. Fishing
4. Smooching

With students that Onnalee had, such as Dan Hoisington, Steve Bealby, Janette Angel Ross, Lucille Houser Shearer and each of their buddies, we were very careful as to what we did and where we went. These were the very students that asked Onnalee every day at school if Millard took her to the Dip the night before?
And that isn't the whole list - just happens to be the ones that have kept in contact with Onnalee throughout these years, and brings all of these memories to her attention.

I guess if Jim Harrell used to climb the water tower to watch cars go by, although he was much younger at the time Millard and I were dating, Jim would have probably taken a ride on his bike to stake things out too.
And too - Lynn and Bob Welling and Janice Harrell Chitwood were on the look out for anything they could see. (Onnalee lived with Maude Robbins, so she was a neighbor of the Wellings.)
A Note: Onnalee questions the washing of cars. There was very little water and it looked very dirty to her. That sounded quite "fishy" to her.